Web omnibus

With our representative multi-topic survey, you can generate insights every month - quickly and cost-effectively.

Omnibus surveys are the most inexpensive kind of market research. Multiple clients "share" a survey in which several topics are tested at once. The distribution of the costs among several participants results in an enormous cost advantage.

To avoid panel effects, "fresh" respondents are selected from our online access panel for each survey. The results are based on a valid and empirically reliable sample size (n = 1.000 net interviews) and have the same quality as exclusive studies.

Full service.

The following services are included in our web omnibus offer:

  • Questionnaire design
  • Programming of the questionnaire
  • Hosting, online management, panel administration
  • Field work and control
  • Creation of code plans for open ended questions
  • Coding of open ended questions
  • Results (charts and tables)

Additional services like personal presentations or special reports (e.g. multivariate analyzes) are of course possible by arrangement. The report includes breaks by age and gender.

Advantages of the web omnibus.

  • Fast response times and availability of the data
  • The survey options are more diverse than via telephone surveys

Using online surveys, you as the client can include text, image and sound samples in the survey. Subjects, jingles, logos, slogans, designs and TV spots can be tested quickly and inexpensively.

Survey basics.

  • Instrument: Computer Assisted Web Interviews (CAWI)
  • Study type: Multi-topic survey
  • Respondents: Members of the Marketagent online access panel
  • Online Access Panel with 3.000.000 participants (+ 2.000 / day)
  • Sample size: 1.000 net interviews
  • Quota by age, gender, education and federal state
  • Base for the quota management: Austrian total population
  • Age range: 14 to 75 years
  • Field start: last Friday of the month
  • Results: 7 days after field start

Investment costs.

  • Per closed question: € 500,- plus VAT
  • Per open ended question including coding: € 750,- plus VAT
  • Minimum for omnibus start: 5 questions
  • In the subscription option:
    15 closed questions | duration 12 months: € 6.000,- plus VAT.

Deadlines 2024

  • January 31, 2024
  • February 28, 2024
  • March 27, 2024
  • April 24, 2024
  • May 29, 2024
  • June 26, 2024
  • July 31, 2024
  • August 28, 2024
  • September 25, 2024
  • October 30, 2024
  • November 27, 2024
  • December 18, 2024


July 2024

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