Logo tests

Logos should be rich in associations, concrete, concise and independent. Such content needs to be checked in the context of market research.

The brand logo as a visual component of the branding is particularly important due to the easy storage and accessibility of visual stimuli. The quickly recallable logo not only brings the content associated with the brand into the consumers' consciousness, it can also serve as an intellectual bridge for brand names that are difficult to access. Logos that are intended to leave a lively impression on consumers are rich in associations, concrete, concise and independent. It is precisely such content that needs to be checked in market research that accompanies the creative process.



The logo often serves as an anchor of memory for a brand and is therefore of crucial importance. The likeability effect of a brand logo plays a central role with increasingly less involved consumers. But likeability is not everything. Central contents of a logo test also include memory, access, vividness, concreteness, conciseness and independence.

possible insights

  • Spontaneous associations
  • Likeability
  • Emotionalization
  • Likes and dislikes
  • Assignment of characteristics
  • Memory effect
  • Brand and category fit
  • Uniqueness and independence
  • Attitude and image effect
  • Optimization potential
  • Preference for several logo alternatives


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