Imprint. online reSEARCH GmbH

Mühlgasse 59

2500 Baden


Phone: +43 2252 - 909 009 (local phone rate for Austria)
Information and complaints at:


Form of organisation: Limited liability company
Headquarters: 2500 Baden
Media owner: online reSEARCH GmbH, 2500 Baden
Legal regulations: Trade regulations,
Voluntary behaviour guideline:
Business description: Market and opinion research
Management: Thomas Schwabl, 2500 Baden
Member of WKO: Section Information and consulting
Regulatory authority: Baden Bezirkshauptmannschaft
Job title / purpose of the company: Market and opinion research, Austria


UID-number: ATU 517 84 902
Commercial register no.: 206987v
Commercial register court: Landesgericht Wiener Neustadt
DVR-number: 3000570
ANKÖ Firmencode: 94937

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