January 29, 2024

Marketagent ISO certified again

Our Online Access Panel has successfully completed the ISO recertification process for the seventh time!

Our heart, the online access panel, has always impressed with a high level of quality and we are very proud that we can continue to offer you certified market research in compliance with the currently valid standards.

We have been committed to the topic of “quality in market and opinion research” since the beginning and were certified according to the ISO standard 26362 in January 2010 as the first German-speaking market and opinion research institute. We are all the more pleased that our pioneering role in the online research world has now been confirmed once again by re-certification according to the now updated ISO 20252-2019 standard.

The ISO standard affects all work and process flows, from the entire responsibility and management structures to the recruitment of panel members and the validation of data sets to reporting. Dr. Holger Mühlbauer, who carried out the verification audit for Austrian Standards, welcomes the possibility of voluntary certification: “ISO 20252 is the internationally authoritative normative reference for access panel providers. With certification from an independent authority, relevant market and opinion research companies can demonstrate professional seriousness and declare this to the competition.”

We are happy to further optimize these processes!

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